Entrepreneurship involves a never ending learning curve. As an entrepreneur, we sometimes take on multiple roles; administrator/receptionist, marketing, accountant, etc. When you add in daily functions of life or traveling, things can become hectic. Summer is near and vacations will be on the rise, don’t leave your business in the dark while you are traveling or taking the weekend roadtrips.
Working from the road can be extremely difficult if you aren’t prepared. To stay ‘connected’ to your business I suggest using the following methods while traveling.
- Automation – Automate Your email & phone calls – This includes auto forwarding your calls to a receptionist (if you have one) or having the proper out of office voicemail set up. When it comes down to your email, you want to be sure you have an auto message set up for out of office or delayed response. This is very important is you are traveling out of the country and will be have limited connectivity, your clients will have a better understanding of the longer response times.
- Battery Packs – Of Course we want to keep our devices charged up, so we carry every charger we own. There are often times (If you are in a location with limited outlets) your phone or table may find its way down to the 0% mark and you have an important conference call. I have found that carrying the battery packs such as Anker battery, which can charge 3 devices at one time, in my bag, come in quite handy to a dying device in an emergency situation.
- USB Drive/Backup Files – While traveling on the road, many things can happen to your computer or device, causing you to lose your files. I always carry a usb drive and sync my files to the cloud (which can be accesses from any device upon login to the cloud) if I so happen to lose, break or somehow destroy my laptop or device, the files are still safe and ready to print and access for the meeting or conference call.
If you are currently using these tips, kudos to you.. Feel free to share various ways you are staying productive from the road.
Angel Radcliffe